BLOCKOUT® was involed with the H House by Ian Weir Architect. We proudly show the images of this house on the front page of our website. The house can sustain itself in a bushfire, presenting a model for reconciling fire protection and diversity with daily life.

The property has BLOCKOUT® Maxiview® window roller shutters installed the unique design provides you with insulation and window security while maintaining your views through a perforated profile (over 55,000 perforations per square metre). As the BLOCKOUT® Maxiview® window roller shutters are fitted externally, they act as a barrier against the heat, creating an insulating air pocket between the shutter and the window. They can cut direct sunlight by 81%, reduce heat gain by up to 70% in summer and reduce heat loss by up to 70% in winter.

Articles about the H (Heath) House by Ian Weir Architect
Architecure And Design